


·       Prof. Yasin ALEMDAĞ (Başkan)

·       Assoc. Prof. Burak MARKAL

·       Assoc. Prof. Nurhan Gürsel ÖZMEN

·       Assoc. Prof. Mert GÜLÜM (Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı)

·       Assis. Prof.Mehmet SEYHAN

Scope of Duty:


To monitor and classify all kinds of publications addressed to the Department through relevant scientific databases. To determine department performance in terms of publications at certain periods and report it. To examine academic incentive applications and make the necessary evaluation. To make suggestions for improving the international publication potential of the department. To establish subcommittees and distribute tasks when necessary. To provide information on the subject at the Department Academic Board meetings.



·       Prof. Murat AYDIN (Başkan)

·       Prof. Hasan GEDİKLİ

·       Assoc. Prof. Hüccet KAHRAMANZADE

·       Assoc. Prof. Cevdet DEMİRTAŞ

·       Assis. Prof.Yunus Emre KARABACAK

·       Researcher Doğan ACAR

·       Researcher Muzaffer Tacettin KÜLLAÇ

·       Researcher Furkan Erman KAN

·       Researcher Durukan Burak DİLEK

·       Researcher Muhammet UZUN

·       Engineer İrfan KOTAN

·       Tech. Levent DEMİR

·       Tech. Kadir DEMİR

·       Tech. Mevlüt AKÇAİR

·       Tech. Salih MEMİŞ

Scope of Duty:


To determine the measures to be taken regarding occupational safety in the department and their compliance with the legislation. To identify problems, malfunctions and damages that may arise in the classrooms, other common areas and laboratories of the department and to report them to the department head for necessary corrective actions. Laboratory equipment in the department inventory and desks, blackboards, computers, data-shows, etc. in the classrooms. Identifying and reporting possible problems that may occur in equipment. To establish subcommittees and distribute tasks when necessary. To provide information on the subject at the Department Academic Board meetings.



·       Prof. Tülin BALİ (Başkan)

·       Prof. Zehra ŞAHİN

·       Prof. Mustafa SARIOĞLU 

·       Prof. Hasan BAŞ

·       Assoc. Prof. Hüccet KAHRAMANZADE

·       Assoc. Prof. Cevdet DEMİRTAŞ

·       Researcher Dr. Mustafa Yavuz COŞKUN

·       Researcher Muhammet Ali BEŞİRBEYOĞLU

·       Researcher Derya KARAMAN

·       Researcher Sadun KARABIYIK

·       Researcher Cansu AY GÖKÇE

·       Researcher Tekmile CÜREBAL

Scope of Duty:


To schedule and organize seminars and meetings to be given in the department by stakeholders and companies outside the department for undergraduate education. Participating in career days as a representative of the department. To be a guide in academician-student-alumni relations in the department and to inform students about scientific and ethical values. To supervise the activities of student clubs in the department. Planning and organizing activities with social and technical content. To establish subcommittees and distribute tasks when necessary. To provide information on the subject at the Department Academic Board meetings. 



·       Prof. Hasan SOFUOĞLU (Başkan, Anabilim dalı başkanı)

·       Prof. Mehmet Emin ARICI (Anabilim dalı başkanı)

·       Prof. Gençağa PÜRÇEK (Anabilim dalı başkanı)

·       Prof. Yücel ÖZMEN (Anabilim dalı başkanı)

·       Prof. Levent GÜMÜŞEL (Anabilim dalı başkanı)

·       Prof. Olkan ÇUVALCI (Anabilim dalı başkanı)

·       Prof. Zehra ŞAHİN (Anabilim dalı başkanı)

·       Prof. Yasin ALEMDAĞ (Bölüm başkanı)

·       Assoc. Prof. Hakan BAYRAKTAR

·       Assis. Prof.Özgür AYDIN

·       Researcher Mehmet SAĞLAM

·       Researcher Dr. Mustafa Yavuz COŞKUN

·       Researcher Oğuz Kaan YAĞCI

·       Mech. Eng. Erkut ÇELEBİ (TTSO)

·       Mech. Eng. Sinan KOÇ (MMO)

·       Mech. Eng. Fatih Suat OYMAN (Sanayici)

Scope of Duty:


To follow the undergraduate and graduate education activities carried out in the department in terms of curriculum. To determine the closeness of the curriculum to international standards in order to keep it up to date. To communicate with external stakeholders and accordingly evaluate and express opinions about new courses and activities that are requested to be included in the curriculum.


  • Prof. Mehmet Emin ARICI (Başkan)
  • Prof. Tülin BALİ
  • Prof. Ertan BAYDAR
  • Prof. Burhan ÇUHADAROĞLU
  • Prof. Tevfik KÜÇÜKÖMEROĞLU
  • Prof. Yücel ÖZMEN
  • Assis. Prof.Mehmet SEYHAN
  • Researcher Aleyna AĞIRMAN KALCA
  • Researcher Soner BİRİNCİ (Araş. Görevlileri Koordinatörü)
  • Researcher Oğuz Kaan YAĞCI
  • Researcher Furkan Erman KAN
  • Researcher Ayşe Candan CANDERE
  • Researcher Tekmile CÜREBAL
  • Researcher Muhammet UZUN

Scope of Duty:


Carrying out accreditation procedures. To organize all the procedures that need to be done within the department within the scope of MÜDEK and to make the necessary warnings. To establish subcommittees and distribute tasks when necessary. To provide information on the subject at the Department Academic Board meetings.


  • Prof. Yücel ÖZMEN (Başkan)
  • Assoc. Prof. Burak MARKAL
  • Assis. Prof.İsmail ÖZEN
  • Asst. Prof. Özgür AYDIN
  • Assis. Prof.Yaşar SERT
  • Asst. Prof. Caner SANCAK (Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı)
  • Researcher Mehmet SAĞLAM
  • Researcher Aleyna AĞIRMAN KALCA
  • Researcher Ömer ÖKSÜZ
  • Researcher Sadun KARABIYIK
  • Researcher Tevfik MELHEM
  • Researcher Utku USLU
  • Researcher Derya KARAMAN

 Scope of Duty:


Contributing to the collection, analysis and reporting of departmental course and academic outcomes. To provide information on the subject at the Department Academic Board meetings. 



·       Prof. Recep GÜMRÜK (Başkan)

·       Assoc. Prof. Mert GÜLÜM (Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı)

·       Asst. Prof. Caner SANCAK (Bölüm Başkan Yardımcısı)

·       Assis. Prof.Yaşar SERT

·       Researcher Doğan ACAR

·       Researcher Tekmile CÜREBAL

·       Researcher Durkan Burak DİLEK

·       Researcher Esra YAĞCI

·       Researcher Muzaffer Tacettin KÜLLAÇ

·       Researcher Melih USTALAR

·       Researcher Ömer ÖKSÜZ

 Scope of Duty:


To examine and evaluate horizontal and vertical transfer applications to the department in terms of compliance with the department curriculum. Likewise, to examine and evaluate applications for transfer from one department to another department in terms of procedure and compliance. To establish subcommittees and distribute tasks when necessary. To provide information on the subject at the Department Academic Board meetings.



·       Assis. Prof.Harun YANAR (Başkan)

·       Assis. Prof.Yunus Emre KARABACAK

·       Assis. Prof.İsmail ÖZEN

·       Researcher Esra YAĞCI

·       Researcher Muhammet Ali BEŞİRBEYOĞLU

·       Researcher Tevfik MELHEM

·       Researcher Utku USLU

·       Researcher Cansu AY GÖKÇE




·       Assis. Prof.Yaşar SERT (Başkan)

·       Researcher Ayşe Candan CANDERE





·       Prof. Mustafa SARIOĞLU